Conteúdos da Caixa

abril 23, 2024



A few days ago I complained, in a chronicle, that I was disappointed with the month of April. It felt like a winter month, ugly, cold, rainy. Cloudy sky, hidden stars.

However, today, I was fortunate to find my favorite month in its splendor.

I remembered Rhapsody in Blue, by George Gershwin (died in 1937)


abril 22, 2024




A data estabelecida pelas Organização das Nações Unidas alerta para a necessidade de se viver em harmonia com a natureza




O que deixaremos às novas gerações?


Guerras e seu lixo?

Terra arrasada?




abril 21, 2024


My Caiana cane tree

Fulana was the one who gave it to me

Who died this week.

Also my cane tree

The Caiana cane tree

Died at the weekend

After Fulana died

I was left without my cane

And I was left without Fulana

And I cried all week

For Fulana and sugarcane.

Without consolation is Sicrana

Fulana's niece

That gave me the cane.

In the sugarcane pit

From the Caiana cane tree

Crying for Fulana

It's me and Sicrana.

abril 20, 2024



The general threw his cap on the bed.

The dog ran through the garden.

Through the window he could see the sea.

It was very hot in that room.

The next morning there would be a ceremony for the change of command.

The hotel maid brought clean towels.

The general leaned out the window and breathed in the sea breeze.

He no longer missed and would not miss


The sound of drums could be heard in the distance

Black people would be dancing. Somewhere a sorceress would be preparing her spells

The general poured himself a shot of whiskey. Without ice. The drink warmed his icy soul.

He took off his boots and looked at his white feet.

And he remembered so many marches, but his feet were rested. His soul was tired and so were his eyes.

He wouldn't come down for dinner.

He wouldn't play cards.

He walked to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

He said goodbye to the image of a general at the end of his career


In the hotel lobby, people looked at each other.

Uniformed officers accompanied the transfer of the body

The command change has been cancelled.

Another ceremony would occupy that morning.

* in honor of Urano Bacellar, a Brazilian general who commanded the United Nations peacekeeping forces, found dead in Haiti

O general



O general jogou o quepe sobre a cama.

O cão corria pelo jardim.

Pela janela avistava-se o mar.

Fazia muito calor naquele quarto.

Na manhã seguinte haveria uma cerimônia para troca de comando.

A camareira do hotel trouxe toalhas limpas.

O general debruçou na janela e aspirou o ar da brisa marinha.

Já não sentia saudades nem deixaria saudades


Podia-se ouvir ao longe o som de tambores

Negros estariam dançando. Em algum lugar uma feiticeira estaria preparando seus feitiços

O general serviu-se de uma dose de uísque. Sem gelo. A bebida aqueceu sua alma gelada.

Descalçou as botas e olhou seus pés brancos

E lembrou-se de tantas marchas feitas, mas os pés estavam descansados. A alma estava cansada e os olhos também.

Não desceria para o jantar.

Não jogaria cartas.

Caminhou até o banheiro e olhou-se no espelho

Despediu-se da imagem de um general em final de carreira


No saguão do hotel as pessoas se entreolhavam.

Oficiais fardados acompanharam o translado do corpo

A troca de comando foi cancelada.

Outra cerimônia ocuparia aquela manhã.

* em homenagem a Urano Bacellar, general brasileiro que comandava as forças de paz das Nações Unidas, encontrado morto.